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DSS Holds Employee Briefing on H1N1 Virus After Results Confirm Five Cases in Iberville Building

This afternoon, the Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) will hold an information session for agency employees on the H1N1 virus. The meeting was called following the Department of Health and Hospitals confirming that five people in the Iberville Building tested positive for the H1N1 virus, after experiencing flu-like symptoms.

The Office of Public Health within the Department of Health and Hospitals will be coordinating the information session along with DSS.

One of those testing positive was DSS Secretary Kristy Nichols, who began to experience flu-like symptoms last Wednesday morning. Secretary Nichols followed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and stayed home while still experiencing symptoms.

DSS estimates that around 30 employees in the Iberville Building have experienced or are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

All DSS employees in the Iberville building were informed by email today after the results were confirmed and encouraged to stay home if they began experiencing any flu-like symptoms.

Visit for the latest information on the H1N1 virus.
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