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DSS Antifraud System Wins National Technology Solution Award

Mapping Technology to Detect Fraud Seen as 'Precedent-Setting Example'

The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) has received DM Review's 2008 Innovative Solution Award in the Business Intelligence/Analytics category for its use of mapping technology to help detect fraudulent activity in the state's Food Stamp Program.

In announcing the award that recognizes groundbreaking solutions that provide proven business value, DM Review's senior editor Valerie Valentine called Louisiana's Geographic Information System (GIS) technology as a "precedent-setting example."

"One of the most important issues for any government agency is eliminating waste and fraud that prevent the public from being fully served," said DSS Secretary Kristy Nichols. "DSS has renewed its commitment to leading the way when it comes to modernizing our delivery of service and targeting any misuse of funds. We are proud to be recognized for our work in this area, and it serves to motivate us to continue as stewards of the public's trust."

Louisiana is one of the first to use GIS technology to detect fraud by helping identify trends and patterns in the Food Stamp Program. For example, food stamp purchases by individuals can be mapped to determine if patterns in location change or if individuals travel an unusual distance to purchase large amounts from certain stores.

DM Review editors reviewed more than 70 submissions in eight categories to select winners based on the solutions they feel best exemplify unique software solutions or a new application of traditional software to achieve exceptional results.

In August of last year, DSS received the Excellence in Human Services Technology Award for its use of GIS technology to help meet foster care needs of the state's children and families. The technology allows a child welfare worker to view and map foster homes and placement resources for a child near their residence. This helps in meeting the family's and child's needs by keeping the child in their school system and reducing the number of transitions the child must encounter. DSS was the first child welfare system in the nation to use GIS tracking technology in this manner.

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