Expense Reimbursement Information
Car Seats
Can DCFS purchase car seats for foster children?
Yes, contact your caseworker.
The local office may provide a car seat or reimburse your purchase.
Maximum reimbursement:
$150 for infant/toddler seats
$50 for booster seats
Refer to DCFS Policy for more details here .
Non-Child-Related Reimbursements
What can I be reimbursed for that isn’t directly related to a foster child?
Babysitting Fees:
Up to $10/hr for one child, $15/hr for multiple children when participating in required training
Limits: $200/year for pre-service training, $125/year for in-service training
Swimming Pool Alarms: Up to $40 reimbursement
Mileage: Reimbursed at $0.67/mile for training-related travel
Web-based Training:
Up to $4 per topic
Max $60/year
Submit training certificates to your Home Development worker to be reimbursed.
Child-Related Reimbursements
What can I be reimbursed for when the expense is directly related to a child?
Up to $300 (under 12) or $400 (12+) within the first 30 days
Annual replacement:
Up to $200 (under 12)
Up to $300 (12+)
Incidental Expenses: Up to $40 for basic personal items within the first 30 days
Luggage: Up to $100
School Supplies: Up to $75/year
School Uniforms:
Up to $150 for Pre-K to 5th grade
Up to $250 for middle/high school
Backpacks: Up to $50/year
Mileage: $0.67/mile for transportation to/from visits, court, appointments
Medications: Reimbursement for prescribed medications not covered by Medicaid
Educational Expenses:
Tutoring, band instruments (up to $400)
Club dues, special event clothing (up to $500/year)
Senior expenses (up to $700)
School pictures/yearbooks (up to $50 twice/year)
Recreational Activities: Up to $900/year for camps, trips, memberships, etc.
Hair Care: Up to $400/year for approved haircuts and treatments
Reimbursement Process
How do I get reimbursed?
Submit Expense Reimbursement Form (Form 435 )with itemized receipts to your foster care worker. Keep copies for your records.
Email receipts and provide originals during monthly visits.
Contact your foster care worker if reimbursement isn't received within 30 days.
Access Expense Reimbursement Form (Form 435) here .
Expense Reimbursement Form (Form 435): Download
Direct Deposit Form: Download
Foster Care Policy FAQs: Download
Foster Caregiver Progress Form:
Expense Reimbursement Form (Form 435): Download
Direct Deposit Form: Download
Access DCFS Policy Online
Foster Care Handbook: Download
Recruiter Roles
Support for Certified Foster Caregivers:
Serve as a point of contact for foster caregivers who have questions pertaining to their role as caregivers.
Assist certified foster caregivers with identifying community resources and support groups.
Foster Caregiver Recruitment:
Create awareness about the need for foster homes in communities throughout their assigned region through presentations, public events, and collaboration with other individuals and organizations in the community.
Community Engagement and Resource Identification:
Identify local organizations that provide supportive services and resources for children and families served by DCFS.
Engage local businesses, churches, and organizations in foster caregiver recruitment and support efforts.
Organize Community Collaborative Meetings in their assigned region.
Guidance through the Certification Process:
Serve as the initial point of contact for all families who are interested in becoming foster/adoptive caregivers.
Lead Foster Caregiver Orientation with prospective families.
Assist families with registering for A Journey Home pre-service training.
Serve as the DCFS point-of-contact for A Journey Home training to answer questions and provide resources as needed.
Join Us!
Current monthly schedule of Collaboratives:
Baton Rouge
first Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
EBR Parish Library
7111 Goodwood Ave., Baton Rouge, 70806
second Wednesday, 12 - 1 p.m.
First West Church
500 Pine St., Webber Rm, West Monroe,
71292 (park & enter at 3rd St.)
third Monday, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Kingsville Baptist Church
3911 Monroe Hwy., Ball, 71405
third Tuesday, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
House of Prayer Church
2229 Hwy. 3185, Thibodaux, 70301
First Collaborative Meeting: Covington
Wednesday, March 19, 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Bogalusa YMCA
411 Ave. B, Bogalusa, 70427
State Parks offers free permits to foster, relative/kin caregivers
Thanks to the generosity of Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser and the Office of State Parks , all certified foster caregivers and relative/kin caregivers can receive a permit good for free admission to any park in Louisiana for one year!
With your permit, everyone in your vehicle/group will be allowed in at no charge. You can enjoy boating, hiking, fishing, golf and much more as you explore the beauty of Louisiana.
For caregivers with a child in a wheelchair, there are all-terrain track wheelchairs now available at eight of the State Parks. They are electric-powered and can be used on designated park trails not suitable for regular wheelchairs. Please note that these wheelchairs need to be reserved and, if possible, you should bring your own helmet and eye protection for the child.
To get your permit, fill out the form at https://www.lastateparks.com/about_state_parks/foster_caregiver_permit and upload a photo of your foster care certification card. For relative/kin caregivers, you will be mailed a card you can use for the form.
State Parks will begin mailing permits in early December to those who have completed the online form. Once you receive yours, it will be good for one year. If you have questions or issues with the form, please call the Office of State Parks at 225-342-8111.
State Parks’ social media accounts
Expense Reimbursement Information
Car Seats
Can DCFS purchase car seats for foster children?
Yes, contact your caseworker.
The local office may provide a car seat or reimburse your purchase.
Maximum reimbursement:
$150 for infant/toddler seats
$50 for booster seats
Refer to DCFS Policy for more details here .
Please make sure to read all RAVE alerts and emails carefully. After the storm, a RAVE alert and email will be sent to those in affected areas. You will need to respond to confirm that your family is safe.
A Foster Parent Hurricane Francine helpline opens at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10. If you can't reach your caseworker and need assistance, call 1-833-788-1351.
After the storm, you can also use this number to report that you and the foster children are safe.
Be sure to check out the attached Foster Caregiver's Emergency Preparation Guide for more information.