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Report Child Abuse & NeglectCalendar
LCTF Day at the Capitol
The Louisiana Children's Trust Fund will celebrate Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month with our Annual Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 12, 2016. Many of the Trust Fund’s funded programs will have exhibits set up in the rotunda. The exhibits and program leaders will be there to help inform the legislators and public about existing programs in our state to help protect children. Exhibitors will share child abuse and neglect prevention information and organizational materials/calendars to alert attendees to upcoming classes and special events.
All community members and child welfare professionals are invited to join us at the capitol on Wednesday, April 12th to show support for Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month and to learn more about the programs that exist across Louisiana. Exhibits will be in the rotunda from 11am to 2pm. At noon the group will gather on the steps of the State Capitol for a special presentation from child welfare experts and organizations and youth impacted by LCTF.
10:00AM - 2:00PM
State Capitol Rotunda