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Conversations with a Secretary
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services is inviting the public to a community conversation with Secretary Marketa Garner Walters and DCFS leadership on the issues of child welfare and poverty.
Walters will provide an update on DCFS activities over the past two and a half years. These include revolutionizing Louisiana's approach to foster care, the department's record-setting adoptions and DCFS' efforts to provide disaster food assistance and sheltering after the floods of 2016 and sheltering assistance for Texas residents after hurricane Harvey.
Walters will provide regional and statewide data and field questions and comments from the community.
Special instructions: Though it's not required for attendance, DCFS is encouraging participants to register.
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Southern University Law Center, Room 130, Roosevelt Steptoe Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70813
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