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Introduction to ACESS for New DCFS Child Welfare Staff




This course is taught using the ACESS Training Environment, which performs like the true system in which staff enters cases, except the Training Environment is always at least a build behind due to continuous updating and modifications to improve the current system. This training includes background information and step-by-step instructions designed to help staff learn to use the ACESS system for job performance.

Special instructions: Once supervisors approve staff to attend this training, supervisors must send the participants' Name, EIN, Region and Program to DCFS.CW-Training@LA.Gov

Refer to Training Memorandum TM 14-046 for additional information, including lodging information. Also, please refer to and adhere to Memorandum 09-49 "Budget Savings Measures" regarding travel, lodging & meals and use of state vehicles. Refer also to DCFS Memorandum 2010-01 (A-C) dated January 19, 2010.

8:30AM - 4:00PM

DCFS State Office; Iberville Building; Room 1-136 627 North 4th St; Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Contact for additional Details:

Contact your supervisor for approval to attend

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