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DSS To Host First Monthly Web Cast Monday

Web Cast to feature infant mental health expert and DSS updates

The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) will host the first in a series of monthly Web casts on Monday as part of the agency's efforts to foster leadership and innovation in social service delivery, increase savings and efficiencies and improve client outcomes. "Our series of Web casts will allow us to provide learning and networking opportunities to our stakeholders and partners statewide without requiring them to travel from all parts of the state to participate," said DSS Secretary Kristy Nichols. "We will provide updates on new and ongoing DSS programs and invite nationally recognized guest speakers to present and facilitate discussion of issues that are important to Louisiana's social service delivery system."

For the first meeting, Dr. Valerie Wajda-Johnston of Tulane University Medical School's Department of Psychiatry and Neurology will present Evidence-based Practices in Infant Mental Health. Dr. Wajda-Johnston's work focuses on the prevention of abuse and neglect and the treatment of abused and neglected infants and toddlers and their families.

Members of DSS' Leadership Forum Advisory Board and participants in the Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship will join DSS stakeholders and interested members of the public for the Web cast.

The Web cast will be held from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on September 14, 2009. To register as a participant, visit After registering, participants will receive an e-mail with information about joining the Web cast. Contact Brandon Reeves at (225) 342-6775 with questions.

For more information about DSS leadership and innovation initiatives, visit

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