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How Some States are Helping Foster Kids Build Lives - Good Morning America
October 18, 2019
Of the 450,000 kids in foster care, many of them are aging out of the system, leaving them homeless and helpless. But some states like Louisiana are helping them become independent. This story aired 10/18/19 on Good Morning America.
DCFS Launches New Recruitment Campaign for Foster Parents for Teens
May 15, 2019
DCFS is launching a new recruitment campaign for foster parents for teens. The campaign, launching amid National Foster Care Month, is part of the Department's ongoing commitment to improve outcomes for youth in foster care by increasing permanency and connections before they transition to adulthood.
Louisiana Should Extend Foster Care to Age 21 for All Youth, Task Force Recommends
February 20, 2019
All Louisiana youth in foster care on their 18th birthday should be eligible to remain in care until they turn 21, a legislatively-created panel responsible for studying the issue said in a new report.
Task Force on Extending the Age of Foster Care - 2018 Report
February 01, 2019
The Task Force on Extending the Age of Foster Care to 21 was created in the 2018 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature to study the feasibility of extending the age of foster care to 21.