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Mandated Reporters Training
April 08, 2013
Mandated reporters are teachers, health practitioners, clergy, law enforcement, coaches and more who are required to report child abuse. Find out if you are a mandated reporter and complete a training to help spot and report child abuse.
Disaster Case Management Available for Louisianians Still Impacted by Hurricane Isaac
April 03, 2013
04.03.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today released details about $8 million in disaster case management services that are now available in 26 parishes for individuals and families still recovering from 2012's Hurricane Isaac.
DCFS Builds on Successes, Launches Child Welfare Initiative
March 14, 2013
03.14.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today announced a new child welfare initiative that focuses on creating lasting connections for children who spend time in protective care. DCFS’s “Faith in Families” initiative seeks to reduce the number of children in foster care, decrease the amount of time children spend in the system and ensure that each child has a permanent connection when they leave foster care.
Washington Parish Child Support Round-up Results in Arrests of 75 Non-Custodial Parents owing more than $1.5 Million
March 08, 2013
03.08.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), working with local law enforcement and the district attorney's office, completed a child support round-up last week in Washington Parish that resulted in the arrests of 75 non-custodial parents who owe more than $1.5 million in child support arrears.
DCFS Eliminates Use of Benefits at Liquor, Gaming and Adult-Oriented Entertainment Establishments
March 01, 2013
03.01.2013 - The use of cash assistance program benefits at any liquor store, gaming or adult-oriented entertainment establishment, as well as the purchase of tobacco, alcohol or lottery tickets at any retailer, is now prohibited under a rule issued by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today.
Casino Intercept Program Nets $806,000 in Child Support Arrears
January 29, 2013
01.29.13 - Since September 2011, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has intercepted more than $806,000 in casino winnings from 599 non-custodial parents for child support arrears.
DCFS Investigations Lead to Seven Convictions for Food Assistance Fraud
January 14, 2013
01.14.13 - A Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) investigation has led to the sentencing of seven Louisiana residents after receiving nearly $84,000 in ineligible Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
DCFS Announces Reduction of $2.2 million in 2013 Mid-Year Budget
December 14, 2012
12.14.12 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services today announced a reduction of $2.2 million in state general funds for FY 2013, as well as the reallocation of $5.5 million in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to achieve additional general fund savings.
Franklin, St. Tammany Residents Plead Guilty to Food Assistance Fraud
December 06, 2012
12.06.12 - An investigation by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services' (DCFS) Fraud and Recovery Unit has led to two women pleading guilty to receiving nearly $30,000 in ineligible Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
Online Initiative Helps 64 Foster Children Find Adoptive Families, More Foster and Adoptive Placements Needed
December 04, 2012
12.04.2012 - Since the 2009 launch of the Department of Children and Family Services' Online Adoption Initiative, 64 children in the state's foster care system who were featured on the website have found permanent, loving homes. The Online Adoption Initiative connects foster children with potential adoptive families through the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) website.