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DCFS Launches Online Application for SNAP, Other Assistance Programs

July 30, 2010

07.3010- The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today announced that Louisianians can now apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) and other forms of assistance online. The online application, which is available at, is used for SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, Family Independence Temporary Assistance (FITAP), Kinship Care Subsidy (KCSP) and the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) or a combination of these programs.

DCFS Secretary Sends Letter to Federal Claims Administrator Requesting Claims Data and Transparency

July 10, 2010

07.10.10 - Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Kristy Nichols sent a letter to federal BP claims administrator Kenneth Feinberg requesting access to substantive claims data, as well as the frequency with which it will be updated, in order to have a transparent claims process. The letter also outlined disturbing new trends in the processing of claims by BP, including the revelation that as of July 1, BP began deceasing payments to individuals whose claims files were incomplete.

State Selects Third Party Administrator to Review Oil Spill Claims

June 23, 2010

06.23.10 - The state of Louisiana has taken the first steps in implementing a community outreach and technical assistance plan to ensure the effectiveness, transparency and efficiency in the British Petroleum (BP) claims process resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Today, the state announced that Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI) has been selected to serve as the state's independent administrator to implement a comprehensive review of BP's oil spill claims process. The state also issued a solicitation for proposals for community organizations to assist individuals and businesses with the claims process.

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