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Press Releases
DSS Support Enforcement Executive Director to Lead National Organization
July 23, 2009
07.23.09 - The Executive Director of the Department of Children & Family Services’ (DSS) Support Enforcement Services (SES) has been elected to lead a national organization of child support directors. Robbie Endris will serve as president of the National Council of Child Support Directors (NCCSD) for the 2009-2010 term, which begins October 1. Endris was elected during the organization’s annual meeting, held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in June. She served as the NCCSD Vice-President in 2008-2009.
DSS Encouraged by USDA Comments on the use of Food Stamps at Farmer’s Markets
July 20, 2009
07.20.09 - Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) Secretary Kristy Nichols was encouraged by comments made today by United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack regarding the use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, or Food Stamps, to purchase fresh, local produce at area farmer’s markets.

Safe Haven Television Commercial Begins Statewide Run
July 14, 2009
07.14.090 - A television commercial promoting Louisiana’s Safe Haven law begins airing across the state today on network and cable stations. The commercials reiterate that, through the Safe Haven law, parents who choose not to use an adoption agency and feel they cannot care for their newborn can relinquish the baby up to 31-days-old at any hospital, police or fire station with no questions asked.

"Most Wanted" Poster Features 18 who Owe $800,000 in Child Support
July 13, 2009
07.13.09 - The Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) today published its list of "Most Wanted," a list of non-custodial parents who have not paid child support in at least six months and who owe at least $10,000. The list, which is featured on a poster, contains each non-payor's photo, last known address, number of children and how much they owe, along with "WANTED" printed in bright red across the top.
Governor Jindal Signs Bill Increasing Louisiana’s In-State Emergency Shelter Capacity
July 07, 2009
07.07.09 - Today, Governor Bobby Jindal signed a bill into law that will increase Louisiana's in-state emergency shelter capacity. The new law - Senate Bill 279 by Senator Mike Walsworth - will allow facilities owned or leased by the state or local governments to be used as shelters during emergency evacuations.
Former Class A Day Care Owner Pleads Guilty in Child Care Assistance Program Fraud Case
July 02, 2009
07.02.09 - A joint investigation by the Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) Fraud & Recovery Section and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations (HHS-OIG-OI) has resulted in a former Louisiana day care operator pleading guilty to a charge of mail fraud.
DSS Extends Application Deadline for Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship to July 10
July 02, 2009
07.02.09 - The deadline for nominations and applications for the Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship, designed to foster leadership and innovation in social service delivery, has been extended to next Friday, July 10.
DSS Revokes Wanda's Kid World License
July 02, 2009
07.02.09 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services today revoked the child care license for Wanda's Kid World in Baton Rouge effective immediately after a full review found the center in violation of a number of child care standards involving safety.
DSS Considers Revocation of Child Care License
July 01, 2009
07.01.09 - The Child Care Licensing and Regulatory Section of the DSS Office of Family Support is considering the immediate and permanent revocation of the child care license for Wanda's Kid World based on today's tragedy. The DSS Office of Community Services is also investigating the matter.
DSS Proposes New Standards to Protect Children in Custody
July 01, 2009
07.01.09 - Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) Secretary Kristy Nichols today announced newly proposed licensing standards for child residential care facilities. The revised regulations are a result of a joint effort by DSS staff, child residential care providers and stakeholders to review the licensing process, which began at Nichols’ request in October 2008.