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Disaster Food Stamp Program to End Tomorrow

October 01, 2008

10.01.08 - The Department of Children & Family Services will end all Disaster Food Stamp operations tomorrow October 2nd. To date, DSS has processed more than 604,221 applications, providing more than $200,623,450.52 in benefits to 568,957 Electronic Benefit Transfer cards. The program, which began September 9th in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav, has served to help millions of Louisiana residents recover from losses suffered during that storm and again during Hurricane Ike just one week later.

DSS Announces Regular Food Stamp Recipients Receive Cost of Living Adjustment

September 30, 2008

09.30.08 - The Department of Children & Family Services, Office of Family Support, today announced that participants in the regular Food Stamp Program will receive a raise in their benefits. Effective October 2008, eligibility and benefit amounts will increase in accordance with limits set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Thrifty Food Plan and the Gross and Net Income Limits. The Thrifty Food Plan is a federal estimate of how much it costs to provide nutritious, low-cost meals. It is adjusted annually based on food prices. Annual adjustments to the income eligibility standards are based on federal poverty levels.

DSS Announces Technology Partnership With Florida

September 26, 2008

09.26.08 - Department of Children & Family Services Secretary Kristy Nichols joined representatives from Florida and J.P. Morgan to announce the first ever technology partnership between two states to issue Disaster Food Stamps. Secretary Nichols approached Florida officials with the idea to create a backup to Louisiana’s system, which experienced difficulties with the high number of applications from residents affected by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. So far, more than 574,000 applications have been taken in Louisiana.

Louisiana Job Fairs Seeks Employers and Citizens with Disabilities

September 26, 2008

09.26.08 - Local businesses looking to create a diverse workforce will have an opportunity to participate in the 2008 Louisiana Job Fair. The statewide job fairs are free to both employers and job seekers and will take place in Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Northshore and Shreveport during the month of October, which is National Disability Awareness Month. Citizens with disabilities are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to join Louisiana’s workforce.

DSS Announces Regular Food Stamp Recipients Receive Replacement Benefits

September 24, 2008

09.24.08 - Department of Children & Family Services Interim Secretary Kristy Nichols announced that the USDA Food and Nutrition Services has approved the issuance of replacement benefits for participants in the regular Food Stamp Program in 14 parishes. These parishes were impacted by Hurricane Ike and the benefits will allow families who receive regular food stamps to replace food lost during power outages caused by the storm. They are: Acadia, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Lafourche, Plaquemines, Sabine, St. Mary, Terrebonne, Vermilion and Vernon.

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