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DSS Shelter Memo

September 23, 2008

09.22.08 - At the request of Governor Jindal, the Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) has completed the first phase of an exhaustive review of the agency’s emergency sheltering plan and operations that were activated in response to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. Included in the memo are short-term goals from an immediate analysis of the shortfalls during the Gustav response. DSS maintains primary responsibility for Emergency Support Function (ESF) 6, which encompasses mass care, emergency assistance, housing and human services.

Department of Children & Family Services Announces Closing Date for Disaster Food Stamp Program

September 23, 2008

09.23.08 - The Department of Children & Family Services has announced that Disaster Food Stamp application sites around the state will end operations on Monday, September 29. DSS has been accepting applications since September 9 in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav and recently added 14 parishes to the list of those eligible for this benefit meant to help families replenish food supplies lost to the storms.

Department of Children & Family Services Announces Site Changes for Disaster Food Stamp Program

September 18, 2008

09.18.08 - The Department of Children & Family Services announced the relocation of sites available to accept disaster food stamp application. As DSS nears the close of its second week of operation, some local agencies have requested that sites be moved due to scheduling conflicts. The Department has worked to develop as smooth a transition as possible between sites, coordinating efforts between staff, volunteers, local authorities and contractors.

DSS Prepares to Extend Disaster Food Stamp Program to Residents Impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Department

September 17, 2008

09.17.08 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services has submitted a request to the USDA for approval to expand the parishes eligible for Gustav disaster food stamps. With federal approval Washington and Franklin parishes would be granted Gustav benefits. Both parishes meet the FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) requirement. Including newly eligible parishes, DSS estimates that 396,000 families are eligible for these benefits as a result of Hurricane Gustav.

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