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Department of Children & Family Services Closing Food Stamp Sites for Hurricane Ike Impact, Registering Evacuees

September 11, 2008

09.11.08 - As a safety precaution with tropical storm force winds already hitting the coast of Louisiana,, mandatory and voluntary evacuations ordered on the coast and traffic concerns the Department of Children & Family Services is closing 27 Disaster Food Stamp sites at 4 p.m. Anyone who is not served today will receive a time stamped application to get them ahead in line when they try again. Also, the program has been extended to Tuesday, September 23rd.

DSS Releases Disaster Food Stamp Update

September 09, 2008

09.09.08 - Department of Children & Family Services Secretary Ann Silverberg Williamson reiterated her call to the federal government to waive the face-to-face interview requirement for Disaster Food Stamp applicants tonight. “The main reason we requested that waiver was to avoid many of the challenges we faced today,” said Williamson. “This is not an average disaster, we have a very widespread area of people impacted by this storm and they need assistance in a more efficient and timely manner.”

Department of Children & Family Services Prepares for Disaster Food Stamps

September 04, 2008

09.04.08 - Following reports that people are lining up outside of closed parish offices for Disaster Food Stamps, the Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) is reiterating that the first phase of the program has been launched with the distribution of food, water and ice by the National Guard. DSS is preparing for the second phase of the program which is the issuance of Disaster Food Stamp benefits.

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