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Press Releases
DCFS Partners Launch State's First Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program Five Years after Hurricane Katrina
August 27, 2010
08.27.10 - As the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaches, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has launched the Louisiana Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program (LNEPP) in the New Orleans neighborhoods of Holly Grove and Central City.
DCFS Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Receives Awards for Accuracy and Quality in Food Benefits
August 20, 2010
08.20.10- The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services' (DCFS) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recently received the USDA's Food and Nutrition Services' Program Integrity Award and the Quality Control Star Award for the its commitment to payment accuracy and excellence in quality control in issuing SNAP benefits (formerly called Food Stamps).
Nomination Period for Third Round of Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship Extended to August 27
August 16, 2010
08.16.10 - The nomination period for the third round of the Department of Children and Family Services' (DCFS) Innovation in Louisiana Government (ILG) Fellowship has been extended through Friday, August 27.

Residents Encouraged to Pre-Apply for Disaster Food Assistance as Tropical Depression Expected to Impact Louisiana
August 11, 2010
08.11.10 - With a Tropical Depression expected to impact Louisiana within the next 48 hours, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is encouraging residents to prepare by pre-applying online for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (DSNAP), formerly called Disaster Food Stamps.
Summer temperatures peak, Children left unattended in cars at risk for serious illness and death
August 11, 2010
08.11.10 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services reminds parents and caregivers that with August temperatures reaching triple digits and changes in daily routines prompted by the start of the school year children are at an increased risk of heat-related illness and even death if left unattended in a car.

DCFS Launches Online Application for SNAP, Other Assistance Programs
July 30, 2010
07.3010- The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today announced that Louisianians can now apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) and other forms of assistance online. The online application, which is available at, is used for SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, Family Independence Temporary Assistance (FITAP), Kinship Care Subsidy (KCSP) and the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) or a combination of these programs.
Nomination Period for Third Round of Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship Extended to July 30
July 26, 2010
07.26.10 - DCFS today extended the nomination period for the third round of the Innovation in Louisiana Government Fellowship until July 30. The ILG fellowship is a three-month program that will provide leadership training and technical assistance and a $1,000 stipend to fellows working to develop innovative social service projects.

Residents Encouraged to Pre-Apply for Disaster Food Assistance as Tropical Storm Bonnie Enters Gulf
July 23, 2010
07.23.10 - With Tropical Storm Bonnie expected to enter the Gulf of Mexico later today, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is encouraging residents to prepare by pre-applying online for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (DSNAP), formerly called Disaster Food Stamps.

DCFS announces July 25 deadline for finger imaging for Child Care Assistance Program
July 22, 2010
07.22.10 - This Sunday, July 25, is the deadline for all parents and caregivers of children in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to undergo finger-imaging for TOTS (Tracking of Time Services), an electronic time and attendance process that is expected to help keep children safe, cut down on fraud and provide efficient and more accurate payments to child care facilities.
Howze Appointed New DCFS Undersecretary
July 13, 2010
07.13.10 - Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) Secretary Ruth Johnson today announced that Richard "Dickie" Howze will serve as the agency's Undersecretary for the Office of Management and Finance. The Undersecretary post was held previously by Johnson, who was appointed as the DCFS Secretary by Governor Bobby Jindal on June 25.