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Press Releases
DCFS Revokes Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Shreveport Area Child Care Licenses
November 03, 2011
11.3.11 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has issued three child care license revocation notices to Tiny Tots Learning Center, L.L.C. of Homer, R & L Learning Center of Avondale and Ms. Gerry's After School Service of Baker.
DCFS Investigation Leads to Assistance Fraud Arrests in St. Tammany Parish
October 24, 2011
10.24.11 - A Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) investigation has resulted in the arrest of two St. Tammany Parish residents. They are accused of defrauding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly called Food Stamps, and the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) of more than $44,000 by failing to report household members and by providing falsified verification in order to obtain ineligible benefits.
DCFS Revokes Three Acadiana Child Care Licenses
October 20, 2011
10.20.11 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) has issued three child care license revocation notices to Adventures In Learning Preschool and Kingz Kidz Learning Center in Lafayette for falsifying criminal background checks and to Ursula's Heavenly Angels Daycare in New Iberia for improper supervision.
DCFS Announces State Not Pursuing Early Learning Challenge Grant
October 18, 2011
10.18.11 - Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) Secretary Ruth Johnson announced today that the state will not apply for the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant. DCFS is the lead fiscal agency for early childhood education.

DCFS Secretary Honored for Exceptional Contributions in State Government
October 04, 2011
10.04.11 -- The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today honored Ruth Johnson, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, with the association's State Technology Innovator award. The honor was presented during NASCIO's 2011 Annual Conference in Denver.
DCFS Revokes Four Child Care Licenses for Serious Safety Violations
September 27, 2011
09.27.11 -- The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) has issued four child care license revocation notices to Haley's Learn and Play Corner in Shreveport, Kiddie Corral of Cenla in Boyce, Miss Muffett Head Start in Alexandria and Lake Ponchartrain Head Start in Reserve.
UPDATE: DCFS Investigation Leads to Two More Arrests for Felony Theft of Food Assistance Benefits by former Livingston Parish Residents
September 19, 2011
09.19.11 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) announced today that two more arrests have been made as a result of an investigation of fraud in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called Food Stamps) in Livingston Parish bringing the total arrests to ten charged with theft of more than $66,000 in SNAP benefits.
DCFS Investigations Lead to Eight Arrests on Charges of Felony Theft for Nutrition Assistance Fraud
September 16, 2011
09.16.11 - A Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) investigation has resulted in the arrests of eight individuals in Livingston Parish accused of defrauding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called Food Stamps) of nearly $56,000 by failing to report spouses and other household members and by providing falsified verification in order to obtain ineligible benefits.
DCFS Intercepts First Casino Winnings For Child Support Debt
September 09, 2011
09.09.11 - Just two days after the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) launched a pilot with Hollywood Casino to intercept casino winnings from non-custodial parents, a Baton Rouge area father became the first to hand over his winnings, surrendering nearly $2,000 in winnings on Thursday.

Residents Encouraged to Pre-Apply for Disaster Food Assistance as Tropical Disturbance Expected to Impact Louisiana
September 01, 2011
09.01.11 - September is the height of hurricane season, and with a tropical disturbance over the Gulf of Mexico expected to impact Louisiana over the weekend, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is encouraging residents to prepare by pre-applying online for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (DSNAP), formerly called Disaster Food Stamps.