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Press Releases
DCFS Secretary Sends Letter to Federal Claims Administrator Requesting Claims Data and Transparency
July 10, 2010
07.10.10 - Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Kristy Nichols sent a letter to federal BP claims administrator Kenneth Feinberg requesting access to substantive claims data, as well as the frequency with which it will be updated, in order to have a transparent claims process. The letter also outlined disturbing new trends in the processing of claims by BP, including the revelation that as of July 1, BP began deceasing payments to individuals whose claims files were incomplete.
Analysis of BP Claims Data by Third Party Consultant Indicates Gaps
July 02, 2010
07.02.10 - Initial analysis of BP claims data by the state's third party claims consultant indicates significant gaps in BP's claims performance, especially when it comes to keeping up with incoming claims and issuing checks to claimants. The data also shows that an increase in the number and amounts of payments increased directly following pressure from the state to speed up payments.
State Selects Third Party Administrator to Review Oil Spill Claims
June 23, 2010
06.23.10 - The state of Louisiana has taken the first steps in implementing a community outreach and technical assistance plan to ensure the effectiveness, transparency and efficiency in the British Petroleum (BP) claims process resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Today, the state announced that Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI) has been selected to serve as the state's independent administrator to implement a comprehensive review of BP's oil spill claims process. The state also issued a solicitation for proposals for community organizations to assist individuals and businesses with the claims process.
Summer Safety Concern: Children Left Unattended in Cars at Risk for Injury, Death
June 18, 2010
06.18.10 - With recent temperatures reaching into the 90's and a heat index above 100 degrees, the Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services reminds parents and caregivers that leaving children unattended in a car can be deadly. Between 1989 and 2010, DSS reports that 16 children in Louisiana have died from hyperthermia (heat stroke) as a result of being left in unattended vehicles.
State Announces Community Outreach and Technical Assistance Plan for BP Claims
June 16, 2010
06.16.10 - The State of Louisiana announced today a community outreach and technical assistance plan to ensure the effectiveness, transparency and efficiency in the British Petroleum (BP) claims process resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
DSS Secretary Requests Details of Changes to BP Claims Process President Obama Announced in Last Night's Address to the Nation
June 16, 2010
06.16.10 - In a letter to the National Incident Command, Department of Children & Family Services Secretary Kristy Nichols requested details on changes to the BP claims process announced by President Obama last night.
State Continues to Request Access to BP's Claims Database
June 15, 2010
06.15.10 - Four days after BP promised to provide needed claims information to the state in a meeting with the Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) and the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC), BP has yet to honor the agreement by providing any of the crucial data. At the Friday meeting, BP agreed to provide a list of all large loss claimants, including amount of claims and number of days in the system, a data dictionary of BP's claims and answers to a list of specific questions about the claims processes. To date, BP has not provided the state with any of the agreed upon items.
State of Louisiana Makes Repeated Requests to BP with No Action from BP
June 04, 2010
06.04.10 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services (DSS) and Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC), along with the Louisiana Attorney General's office, are requesting that BP allow the state access to the oil giant's claims database and procedures for approving or denying claims, paying claimants and closing cases related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
State Agencies Request $300 Million from BP to Mitigate Short, Long-term Impacts of Oil Spill on Communities and Businesses
May 29, 2010
05.29.10 - Multiple Louisiana state agencies have submitted a letter requesting that British Petroleum create a fund with an initial $300 million to provide critical resources to mitigate the immediate, short- and long-term impacts on affected businesses and individuals. The Louisiana Departments of Social Services, Health and Hospitals and Wildlife and Fisheries along with the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Louisiana Recovery Authority and Louisiana Economic Development developed the request.

Residents Encouraged to Pre-Apply for Disaster Food Stamps to Prepare for Hurricane Season and Other Disasters
May 28, 2010
05.28.10 - With the 2010 Hurricane Season just days away, Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services Secretary Kristy Nichols encouraged residents to pre-apply online for Disaster Food Stamps in preparation for hurricanes and other disasters like the oil spill currently in the Gulf of Mexico.