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DSS Prepares to Extend Disaster Food Stamp Program to Residents Impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Department

September 17, 2008

09.17.08 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services has submitted a request to the USDA for approval to expand the parishes eligible for Gustav disaster food stamps. With federal approval Washington and Franklin parishes would be granted Gustav benefits. Both parishes meet the FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) requirement. Including newly eligible parishes, DSS estimates that 396,000 families are eligible for these benefits as a result of Hurricane Gustav.

DSS Addresses Computer Error Affecting Some Food Stamp Electronic Benefit Cards

September 16, 2008

09.16.08 - Today, the Department of Children & Family Services announced that a computer program error in the disaster food stamp processing system, which caused an estimated 22,000 applicants to erroneously receive duplicate benefits, has been corrected and measures have been put in place to prevent future system errors and also increase DSS staff to speed up the processing of the applications and the uploading of benefits onto electronic benefit cards.

Federal waiver applies to those that received three pay checks during eligibility period

September 15, 2008

09.15.08 - As of 3 p.m. today, more than 255,000 Disaster Food Stamp applications have been processed by the Department of Children & Family Services. Nearly 30,000 of those were taken today. This comes on the day the USDA Food and Nutrition Services approved Louisiana’s request to give some individuals and families a second opportunity to apply for benefits after they were determined ineligible to receive Federal Disaster Food Stamps.

Four Additional Parishes Declared Eligible for Disaster Food Stamp Program

September 13, 2008

09.13.08 - More than 150,000 Louisiana residents have received much needed economic relief in the form of federal disaster-related food stamps this week, and now thousands more may find themselves eligible as four new parishes meet DFSP guidelines to receive aid. Grant, LaSalle, Catahoula and St. Helena parishes all meet mandated guidelines allowing residents of those areas to begin applying for assistance.

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