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Press Releases
DCFS Recognized for National Best Practice Standards in Child Welfare
December 27, 2013
12.27.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has again been recognized by an international, independent human services accrediting organization for delivering quality child and family services that comply with national best practice standards. The Council on Accreditation (COA) informed DCFS this week that the agency's Child Welfare program is in compliance with the Interim Public Agency Accreditation Standards.
DCFS Celebrates Fourth Year of Record Number of Adoptions
November 21, 2013
11.21.13 – For a fourth consecutive year, more families have adopted Louisiana foster children than in the previous year. Between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013, more than 500 families adopted 733 foster children through the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

Louisiana's "Most Wanted" Features 18 Who Owe Nearly $866,000 in Child Support
November 13, 2013
11.13.13 -- The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today released the names of 18 non-custodial parents who owe nearly $866,000 in past due child support and are considered to be Louisiana's "Most Wanted" delinquent payors.
DCFS Celebrates November as Adoption Awareness Month
November 08, 2013
11.08.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Families Services (DCFS) will host events across the state during November to celebrate adoptive families and honor the 506 families who adopted 733 children from Louisiana's foster care system in the past year.
DCFS Pursues Disqualification of SNAP Recipients Who Misused Benefits During Outage
November 06, 2013
11.06.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) announced today it will seek to disqualify Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients who are suspected of intentionally using their EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards to make purchases that exceeded the available balance during a multi-state Xerox EBT system failure on October 12. DCFS will pursue these suspected recipients through the administrative hearing process.
Federal SNAP Program Changes Benefits
October 31, 2013
10.31.13 - As a result of the expiration of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has informed states that benefits will be lower in November for households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
DCFS Announces Increase in Performance Pay Adjustments
September 27, 2013
09.27.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services will award four percent performance pay adjustments to eligible employees effective October 1st. The increases are the result of capitalizing on efficiencies in this year's budget, maximizing incentive awards, and working collaboratively with other state agencies and partners during the past year.
DCFS Collects Nearly $1.3 Million in Child Support Arrears From Casinos
August 29, 2013
08.29.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has collected more than $1.2 million from gamblers who owe back child support in the two years since the agency launched its Casino Intercept Program.
DCFS Awarded More Than $8 million in Child Support Enforcement Incentives
August 20, 2013
08.20.13 - The Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services' (DCFS) continued efforts to improve child support collections have been rewarded with more than $8 million as part of a federal Child Support Enforcement Incentive award.
Mandated Reporter Training Available on DCFS Website
August 01, 2013
08.01.13 - As a new Louisiana state law goes into effect on August 1, 2013, requiring mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect to undergo training, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) reminds the public that online training is available on its website at no cost.