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Press Releases
Federal Cost-of-Living Adjustments Increase SNAP Benefits
October 01, 2020
10.1.2020 - The USDA's new cost-of-living adjustments for SNAP that go into effect today, Oct. 1, 2020, will mean an increase in benefits for most Louisiana families, while allowing others who may not have been eligible to begin receiving assistance. DCFS also is issuing October benefits early - on Oct. 1 for all current recipients, instead of staggered on the 1st through 14th - due to continuing effects of Hurricane Laura.
Last Day to Apply for DSNAP is Wednesday, Sept. 23
September 22, 2020
Wednesday, Sept. 23, is the last day to apply for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) benefits for residents of 21 parishes affected by Hurricane Laura.
Louisiana Families Have One Week Remaining to Apply for Benefits from School Meals Missed when Campuses Closed In 2019-2020
September 22, 2020
BATON ROUGE, La. -- Louisiana families have one more week to apply for financial benefits from free and reduced-price school meals missed when schools closed in 2019-20 due to the pandemic.
New DSNAP Schedule! Residents May Apply Any Day through Sept. 23
September 20, 2020
Residents in all 21 parishes approved for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) benefits may apply for benefits any day, today through Wednesday (Sept. 23), regardless of last name, following a change in the DSNAP application schedule.
DSNAP Pre-Registration Help Available this Saturday
September 18, 2020
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) LAHelpU Customer Service Center will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Saturday (Sept. 19) to help residents pre-register for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) benefits.
DSNAP Approved for 3 More Parishes; Phase 1 Extended
September 16, 2020
DCFS has received federal approval to operate DSNAP in three more parishes - Caddo, LaSalle and St. Landry - and will add those parishes to the Phase 2 schedule, which begins Sept. 17. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) also approved DCFS's request to extend Phase 1 for another week, until Sept. 23, allowing residents impacted by Hurricane Laura in the nine Phase 1 parishes additional time to apply for DSNAP benefits.
DSNAP A-Z Days for Phase 1 are Tuesday, Wednesday (Sept. 15 & 16)
September 14, 2020
09.14.2020 - Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 15 and 16, will be open application days for anyone in a DSNAP Phase 1 parish, regardless of last name.
DSNAP Approved for 2 More Parishes
September 11, 2020
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) received approval today to operate a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) in Union and Morehouse parishes, after they were federally approved to receive Individual Assistance due to damages sustained from Hurricane Laura. Both parishes will be added to Phase 2 of the DSNAP operations.
DSNAP Approved for 16 Louisiana Parishes
September 08, 2020
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) received approval today to begin virtual Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) operations in sixteen parishes to provide additional food aid to families impacted by Hurricane Laura. The program will run in phases, with the first phase beginning Thursday, Sept. 10.
Louisiana Reopens 2019-2020 P-EBT Applications for Families who did not apply in May and June
September 08, 2020
BATON ROUGE, La. -- Louisiana is giving families another opportunity to receive financial benefits from free and reduced-price school meals missed when schools closed in 2019-2020 due to the pandemic.