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Press Releases
As Extra SNAP Benefits End, Recipients Encouraged to Update Info, Assess Options
March 01, 2023
03.01.2023 - March is the first month in three years that Louisiana Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients will receive their regular benefit amount without the pandemic-related extra benefits they have received since March 2020.
DCFS Hiring Fair for Orleans-Area Child Welfare Positions Scheduled for Friday
February 07, 2023
02.07.23 - DCFS is holding a hiring fair Friday (Feb. 10, 2023) in Kenner for open positions in its Child Welfare Division in the Orleans and Thibodaux regions.
DCFS Assistant Secretary for Family Support Shavana Howard Named USDA Senior Advisor in the Biden Administration
January 20, 2023
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today the appointment of Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Assistant Secretary for Family Support Shavana Howard to Senior Advisor for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.
USDA FNS Announces February is the Final Month of SNAP COVID Emergency Allotments
January 10, 2023
01.10.23 - The United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (USDA FNS) has announced February 2023 is the final month of the temporary extra Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, known as emergency allotments, put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
State Launches Hotline for Reporting Juvenile Sex Trafficking
January 09, 2023
01.09.2023 - Louisiana has launched a hotline for receiving reports of suspected juvenile sex trafficking, centralizing the calls to ensure closer coordination between state agencies, law enforcement, and service providers tasked with investigating cases, helping victims to safety and advocating on their behalf.