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Office on Women's Policy

The Office on Women's Policy strives to serve as a connector between non-profits, state and federal agencies, educational institutions, legislators, and concerned citizens, and to collaborate with these stakeholders on projects that address Louisiana women's needs.


Women's Policy and Research Commission Domestic Violence Prevention Commission Organizations Updates Upcoming Events Special Projects

The Office on Women's Policy focuses on public policy as it relates to the educational, health, social and economic well-being of women and girls in Louisiana. This office strives to serve as a connector between non-profits, state and federal agencies, educational institutions, legislators, and concerned citizens, and to collaborate with these stakeholders on projects that address Louisiana women's needs.

I encourage you to join the listserv (subscribe here) to receive the monthly Office on Women's Policy newsletter and other updates. Please contact the Office on Women's Policy if there are ways that I can assist you or if your organization is interested in collaborating on efforts to positively impact the lives of Louisiana's women and girls.


OFFICE OF WOMEN'S POLICY UPDATES Subscribe to montly updates

April 2015

The Louisiana Women's Policy & Research Commission has just released its 2014 Report to the Governor, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share it with you. This annual report examines the status of Louisiana women by evaluating their economic, education, and health issues, analyzing trends that impact women's health and prosperity, and providing policy recommendations to address the challenges women in our state face. This year the Commission took an extensive look at a diverse set of topics that included the impact of chronic disease on women, Louisiana's gender-based violence-related policies, the need to expand the number of female entrepreneurs and help more women enter the sciences and craft workforces, and opportunities to increase the number of women seeking leadership roles in state government. This year the electronic version of the report features a clickable Table of Contents, so that you can go directly to the sections of the report that most interest you.

As well as sharing this report with over 100 women's-focused organizations each year, copies of this report are sent to the Governor and to the Louisiana Legislature each year. For more information about the Commission, including upcoming meeting dates, please visit here.

Finally, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I encourage you to visit the Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault's Events Page for activities commemorating this month that are happening around the state.


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The Domestic Violence Prevention Commission is a statewide commission charged with examining the effectiveness of existing prevention and intervention services, researching best practices, reviewing state laws, and developing a framework to collect and integrate data and measure program outcomes.



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